- Chapter in Book
BJason Wai Chow Lee, Osman Mohamad, T. Ramayah and Joyce Ong Sheau Ching (2012). “Sales force automation usage and performance” in Customer Relationship Management and the Social and Semantic Web: Enabling Cliens Conexus, ed.(s): Dr. Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Dr. João Varajão and Dr. Pedro Soto-Acosta. IGI Global Publication. (Chapter in Book).
Velayutham,S., Thjoraya Al-Hajj (2008). The Development of Securities Regulation in the Gulf Countries, in Abdallah, W. (ed.) Accounting, Finance and Taxation in the Gulf Countries. Palgrave Macmillan.
Velayutham,S., Sabri Al-Segini (2008). Accounting Profession and Accounting Education in the Gulf Countries, in Abdallah, W. (ed.) Accounting, Finance and Taxation in the Gulf Countries. Palgrave Macmillan.
Velayutham,S.(2000). The Accounting Profession: The Current State and Future Challenges, in S.B.Dahiya (ed.) The Current State of Business Disciplines, Vol 1 (Accounting). Spellbound
- Journal Articles
Velayutham, S. (2014). Conventional Accounting v Islamic Accounting: The Debate Revisited. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 5(2).
Chun Hoo Quah & Jason Wai Chow Lee (2014). Current and Future Malaysian Managers Perceptions of Ethics and Social Responsibility. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics. July-August 2014, 3(4) 92-101.
Syarifah Mastura A.B. (2014).International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS) ; Volume 4, No.9: July 2014 title “ The Impact of Financial Resources Management on SME Performance”.
Velayutham, S. (2013). Governance without Boards: The Quakers. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 13(3).
Chun Hoo Quah, Natalie Stewart & Jason Wai Chow Lee (2012). Attitudes of Business Students Towards Plagiarism. Journal of Academic Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s10805-012-9157-4. (Springer, Scopus)
T. Ramayah & Jason Wai Chow Lee (2012). System Characteristics, Satisfaction and E-learning Usage: A Structural Equation Model (SEM). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET). April 2012, 11(2) 196-206. (SSCI Impact Factor 0.956, 2011).
T. Ramayah, Jason Wai Chow Lee & Lim Shuwen (2012). Sustaining The Environment Through Recycling: An Empirical Study. Journal of Environmental Management.,102, 141-147. (Elsevier) (ISI Impact Factor 3.245, 2011).
Velayutham, S. (2012). Diaspora as a Comparative/Competetive Advantage in a Global Economy: A Comparison of the British and Chinese Diaspora. The Business and Management Review, 2(1), pp.23-34.
Jason Wai Chow Lee, Osman Mohamad & T. Ramayah (2011). Outsourcing relationships: how long is long? International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(15) 131-138 (Cabell Indexed).
T. Ramayah, Jason Wai Chow Lee & Julie Boey Chyaw In (2011). Network collaboration and performance in the tourism sector. Service Business, 5(4) 411-428. (Springer)(ISI Impact Factor 0.826, 2010).
Jason Wai Chow Lee, Osman Mohamad, & T. Ramayah (2011). Relationship satisfaction in outsourcing relationships: Some insights from the electrical & electronic sector of Malaysia. Conference proceedings of the 8th World Congress of the Academy of Global Business Advancement (AGBA). Dongbei University of Finance & Economics (DUFE), Dalian. P.R. China, 15 – 17 September.
Jason Wai Chow Lee, Osman Mohamad, & T. Ramayah (2011). Outsourcing relationships: how long is long? Conference proceedings of the 2nd International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. USA. 29 May-2 June.
T. Ramayah, Jason Wai Chow Lee & Julie Boey Chyaw In (2011). Network collaboration and performance in the tourism sector. Service Business, 5(4) 411-428. (Springer)(ISI Impact Factor 0.826, 2010).
Velayutham, S., A.B.Abdel-Maksoud, Cerbioni, F. And Ricceri, F (2010). Employee morale, non-financial performance measures, deployment of innovative managerial practices, and shop-floor involvement in Italian Manufacturing firms. British Accounting Review, 42(1), pp. 36-55.
Jason Wai Chow Lee, T. Ramayah & Osman Mohamad (2010). Outsourcing: Is the Social Exchange Theory still relevant in developing countries? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 4(4), 316-345. (Emerald)(SCOPUS).
T. Ramayah, Jason Wai Chow Lee & Osman Mohamad (2010). Green product purchase intention: some insights from a developing country. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 54 (12), 1419-1427. (Elsevier)(ISI SCI Impact Factor 1.987, 2009).
Aminul Islam, Jason Lee Wai Chow & Joseph Lim Cheng Leong (2010). A study on the adoption of M-commerce services among mobile phone users in Malaysia. Global Journal of Business Management, Global Vision Publishing, New Delhi. 4 (2), 8-20.
Velayutham, S. (2008). Development of Personal Networking in Different Societies: Guanxi in China and Wasta in the Middle East. Asian Profile, 36(6), pp. 547-557.
Velayutham, S., M.H.B.Perera (2008). The Role of Professional Accounting Programmes: Towards a Reflective Practicum. The International Journal of Management Education, 7(1), pp. 29-40.
Velayutham,S.,A.B.Abdel-Maksoud(2007).Advanced Management Accounting Practices and Competition in manufacturing firms. Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol.17, pp.253-73.
Velayutham,S. (2007). The Contribution of the Practice of Confession and the Protestant Reformation to the Modern Practice of Accountability. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 7(1), pp. 29-40.
Velayutham, S., T. Al Hajj and I.Balkir (2006). A Comparative Study of Securities Regulations relating to Issuers in GCC countries. Arab Economic Business Journal, 2, pp.79-89.
Velayutham, S., M.H.B.Perera (2003). The Influence of Emotions and Culture on Accountability and Governance. Corporate Governance: the International Journal of Business in Society, 4(1), pp.52-64.
Ramayah T., Osman Mohamad, Muhamad Jantan, Jason Lee Wai Chow, & Syed Nazirin (2003). Counterfeit music CDs: Social and personality influences, demographics, attitudes and purchase intention: Some insights from Malaysia. Conference proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies. Reading University, U.K. 20-21 March.
Velayutham,S. (2003). The Accounting Profession's Code of Ethics: Is it a Code of Ethics or a Code of Quality Assuarance. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 14, pp.483-503.
Velayutham,S. (2003). No Shame or Guilt: The Crisis of Governance and Accountability in Asian Economies. Humanomics, 19 (1), pp. 12 – 28.
Velayutham,S., M.H.B.Perera and A.R.Rahman (2001). Accounting and the Economic Reforms in New Zealand: A Study of the State Profession Relationship. Advances in International Accounting, 14, pp.151-79.
Velayutham,S., A.R.Rahman (2000). Towards Market Differentiation in the Accounting Profession: The Case of Australia and New Zealand. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 11(6), pp.691-711.
- Paper Presentations
Velayutham, S., Vigneswararao Appalanaidu, Etta Cheong Wai Yee and Rosli Musa (2014). Malaysian Foreign Labour Policy: Its Implications for Malaysian Development 2020 and beyond. Paper Presented at the Ninth International Malaysian Studies Conference in Kuala Terenganu, Malaysia from 18-20 August, 2014.
Velayutham, S.(2014)The Contributon of Professional Bodies to the Development of a Knowledge Economy in Developing Countries? The Case of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and Malaysia. Paper Presented at the International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Tourism in Tokyo, Japan from 28-30 March.
Velayutham,S.(2013)Growing Income Inequalities: An Outcome of the Interplay of Globalization and Nationalism. Paper presented at the Network for the Critical Study of Global Capitalism 2013 Conference in Brisbane, Australia from 28-29 June.
Velayutham,S., S.Vemuri(2012)The Ethics of Labour Migration: Australia-India Labour Relations in a New Global Environment. Paper Presented at the 6th International Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Australia (IASA) in New Delhi, India from 19-21 January.
Velayutham, S (2012).Diaspora as a Comparative/Competetive Advantage in a Global Economy: A Comparison of the British and Chinese Diaspora. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Restructuring of the Global Economy in Pune, India from 1-2 February.
Velayutham, S., A. R. Rahman(2011). Professional Schools of Accountancy (PSAs): If we need them, how do we make them effective? Paper Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association in Denver, U.S.A from 6-10 August.
Velayutham, S., L. Gao (2011). Pricing decision in small firms: A case study of a design and print Firm. Paper Presented at the 3rd Annual Conference World Accounting Frontiers Series (WAFS) in Macau from 18-21 May.
Velayutham, S., F. Laswad (2010). An International Comparison of Professional Accreditation of Accounting Education: Towards Gloabal Accounting Education Accreditation Standards. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association 33rd Annual Congress in Istanbul, Turkey from 19-21 May.
Jason Wai Chow Lee, Osman Mohamad, & T. Ramayah (2010). Outsourcing: duration of inter-firm relationships. Conference proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Hospitality & Tourism and Accounting, BINUS University, Jakarta, 12-13 November.
Jason Lee Wai Chow, Osman Mohamad, T. Ramayah & Ong Sheau Ching (2010).Sales force automation usage among salespersons in the IT sector. Conference proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Administration and Management (NCAM), Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand, 21st May, 2010.
Jason Lee Wai Chow, T. Ramayah, Osman Mohamad (2010). The role of quality in E-learning satisfaction and usage among university students in Malaysia. Conference proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Business and Management in collaboration with the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management Education (ICBME), Bangkok, Thailand, 25-28 January.
Velayutham,S.(2009).Governance Without Boards: The Quakers. Paper presented at the 14th Asia-Pacific Management Conference in Surabaya Indonesia from 18-20 November.
Jason Lee Wai Chow, Osman Mohamad, T. Ramayah (2009). E&E manufacturing outsourcing: some preliminary findings. Conference proceedings of the 8th Asian Academy of Management International Conference in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. 18-20 Dec.
Velayutham,S.,A.R.Rahman(2009). Is AACSB International Accreditation of Accounting Contributing to the Development of Accounting Education and Profession? Paper Presented at the AAANZ Accounting Education Special Interest Group Symposium in Adelaide Australia on 4 July.
Velayutham,S.(2007).Personal Networking in the Middle East and China: Wasta and Guanxi. Paper Presented at the 7th International Seminar on the Theories of China’s Finance and Economics in Harbin, China 20-22 July.
Velayutham,S.(2007). Organizational Non-financial Performance Indicators – Old wine in a new bottle? The Case of Employee Morale Measures in Italian Manufacturing Firms. Paper Presented at the 30th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Lisbon, Portugal from 25-27 April.
Velayutham,S.(2006).The Cultural Barriers to the adoption of Western Governance Practices in Arab Countries. Paper Presented at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) International Accounting Conference on Islam and Accounting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 26 – 28 June.
Velayutham,S.(2006).National Perception of Competition and the Deployment of Advanced Management Accounting Techniques in Manufacturing Firms: A Cross-country (UK, Italy and Japan) Comparative Study. Paper Presented at the British Accounting Association Annual Conference, University of Portsmouth from 11-13 April.
Velayutham,S., Thoraya Al-Hajj and Ibrahim Balkir(2005). A Comparative study of Securities Regulations relating to Issuers in GCC Countries, Paper Presented at the Financial Policy and Auditing in Euro-Mediterranean Firms Conference held at the Université Saint Esprit Kaslik, Lebanon from 24 –25 November.
Velayutham,S(2005).The Development of Securities Regulation in the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) Countries. Presented at the Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference 2005, Baruch College, City University of New York from April 28 – May 2.
Velayutham,S.(2004)Islamic Accounting and ‘Conventional Accounting’: Incompatible or Complimentary. Paper Presented at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) Accounting Conference II, Kuala Lumpur from 16-17 February.
Velayutham,S., Kousay Said(2003).The Role of Accounting Information System in Sustainable Development Paper Presented at the Sixth Sharjah Urban Planning Symposium held at the University of Sharjah from June 1-2.
Velayutham,S., M.H.B.Perera(2002). The Role of Professional Accounting Education: Towards a Reflective Practicum. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association in San Antonio, Texas, from 14-17 August.
Velayutham,S.(2002).Confession and the Protestant Reformation: The Foundation for Modern Accountability? Paper presented at the Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference 2002 in New York City form 25-27 April.
Velayutham,S., Sabri Al Segini(2002).The Contribution of Professional Bodies to the Development of a Knowledge Economy in the United Arab Emirates: The Case of the Accountants and Auditors Association. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual CBE Conference at UAE University in Al Ain, UAE from 24-25, March 2002, pp.948-73.
Velayutham,S., M.H.B.Perera(2000). The Influence of Guilt and Sham on Accountability and Accounting Practice. Papper Presented at the Inaugral Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association in Singapore from 38-30 August.